Thursday, July 8, 2010

All Five of My Senses

…now I can't go to deep. I mean, I have been thinking about this for a hour...whatever. I'm fuckin' tired and you're pushing me. Pushing me to feel.

Why! Why can't I just sit here and count the pours on my forearm? Why can't I just sit here and stare into her eyes until I cry? Because she'll think I'm nuts. More like she'll find out I'm nuts. I am nuts. My nuts are filled to capacity and I want to stare at this girl. Oh, I think I'm going to puke.

Every time I see a beautiful woman smile, it's like getting punched in the gut. It's like I stand in the steel cage with all these fish in the sea.

What's that doc? Why am I in a cage? Is there a shark? What? No! Listen to me. I didn't mean use a metaphor. Don't dip in where you're not invited Doctor. This is still my head for as long as I can hold on to it. Ok?

Anyway, why is there so much beauty in the world that I'm not allowed to touch? There should be something, that splendid, that I can use all five of my senses on. I mean look out the window there, Doc. Look at her. One sense, I can see her. A vision, in every way. Now I could go out and sneak in two other senses. But Jesus Doctor, I bets she FEELS wonderful...I'll bet she tastes sweet and salty. I really think I'm going to puke.

What? No. I have never tried to approach a sunshine such as her. Because I can't. I'm not built that way. I mean, Jesus, when you got a head as big as mine. Your mind is bound to get in your way, right?...

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